ECW20N20 & ECW20P20
The ECW20P20-Z mosfet is specifically designed for audio power amplifier output stage applications.
They offer superb sonic characteristics and with the features listed below its not hard to see how they can help you to reduce size, cut costs and add real quality and functionality to your design.
These mosfets also have a negative temperature coefficient and completely thermally stable bias point without the need for emitter resistors, as used in bipolar amplifiers.
- Simplified drive circuitry requirements
- Inherent output anti-parallel diodes
- Excellent thermal characteristics
- Single live heatsink capability (source connected case)
- Very high bandwidth and slew rate
- No high frequency cross conduction
- Easy paralleling (devices available in selected categories to enhance paralleling performance)
- Soft clipping performance
- A wide safe operating area (SOA) and absence of secondary breakdown
- Reliable and robust performance when compared to bipolar solutions
- Simplified protection saving cost & reducing complexity
- Improvement of amplifier performance with awkward loads
- Oscillation-free operation